Tranquility...it's a cat thing!
Refresh & Revitalize
(Full Body Comb-Out)
Luscious Full-Body De-Shedding Comb-Out, Facial Cleanse, Ear Cleanse, Nail Trim,
and a Sanitary Cleanse & Trim (as needed).
*Please note: Minimum of 2 per cat. When at the purchase window, please indicate the number of treatments you would like to purchase. It automatically defaults to a quantity "Package" of 3.
Spa treatments must be scheduled at least 2 weeks apart from veterinarian care to minimize stress.
CANCELLATION POLICY: We are thrilled to set aside time for your cat’s treatment. If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please provide us with 48 hours advance notice, to ensure that you will not be charged for the appointment. By offering us sufficient advance notice for your cancelled appointment, we may be able to schedule another kitty in desperate need of care. We thank you in advance for your thoughtfulness and cooperation.
MATTING FEES: Please note that extensive matted fur may incur additional charges due to more time needed to carefully remove mats. The groomer will let you know in advance if there is a potential for additional dematting fees.